Player Assessments

The upper divisions of baseball and softball teams are formed via a draft process, not by friend/coach requests used in the lower divisions. Part of that draft process is the evaluation of players skills, often referred to as “assessments.” This process enables the league to place players at a level where they have the most chance of success and also helps the league balance the teams across the division. The goal is to create the best possible experience for all players. 

Baseball players in Rookies, Minors, and Majors participate in assessments. Softball players in the AAA Minors, Majors, and Juniors* divisions also participate in assessments.

*A draft may not be necessary depending on the number of players registered for this division. If there are not enough players to form two teams, there will be no draft.

Which assessment should your player attend

All assessments are based on league age (which may differ from actual age). Please confirm your league age here


  - All league age eight (8) year olds are assessed to be in the Rookies division.  
  - All league age nine (9) and ten (10) year olds are assessed to be in the Minors division.
  - All league age eleven (11) and twelve (12) year olds are assessed to be in the Majors division.
  - Our intermediate 50/70 and Juniors divisions (age 13-14) typically do not hold assessments or drafts.


  - All nine (9) and ten (10) year olds are assessed to be in the AAA Minors division.
  - All eleven (11) and twelve (12) year olds are assessed to be in the Majors division.
  - All thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) year olds are assessed to be in the Juniors division.*

*A draft may not be necessary depending on the number of players registered for this division. If there are not enough players to form two teams, there will be no draft.

What to bring to assessments

  - Baseball/softball glove
  - Bat
  - Batting helmet
  - Athletic shoes/ cleats (no metal cleats)
  - Warm layers
  - Athletic supporter/ cup for boys

The league will have a limited amount of gear available for use at assessments. Just ask a volunteer during the check in process and they will help get you set up.  

If you have questions about equipment, visit our FAQ page or contact [email protected].

What to expect at assessments

Each player will be assigned a bib number and will rotate through several stations. The coaches for each division will observe and evaluate players on the following skills:    

1) Fielding ground balls and throwing to first base
2) Pitching 
3) Hitting 
4) Catching pop fly balls
5) Timed running/sprinting

The goal is to make it a fun and positive experience for all players. Each player will get several opportunities at each station.  

Parents are welcome to stay and watch assessments, but will be asked to stay off the field once assessments begin.

What happens after assessments

The coaches from each division will meet as a group to “draft” each player onto a team. All players will be assigned to a team, there are no cuts at any of the age divisions. Players will be notified of their team assignment via a phone call from their coach within 48 hours of their respective drafts.

What if my player cannot attend assessments?

Please email playeragents@westseattlelittleleague if you are unable to attend assessments. You will be asked to provide some basic information about your player’s skill level. Your player will still be drafted onto a team using the information you provide along with input from previous coaches, if applicable. Any player who registers after the draft will be placed onto a team if there is a space available. No requests for specific teams will be accepted.  

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