Little League Baseball Division Age

West Seattle Little League features seven Divisions of Play for baseball. Baseball divisions are based off of the League Age which is your player's age on August 31st of the calendar year. WSLL has also created a table to help you quickly determine your player’s league age and which division they will typically play in.

Baseball Divisions of Play

Tee Ball
Coed  |  Ages 4 and 5  |  Predominantly pre-school

General info
- Introductory division with the focus on teaching fundamentals and having fun
- Previous baseball experience is not required 
- Typical skill level includes players learning simple baseball rules and how to catch, throw and hit a ball
- Non-competitive games (no scoring)
- Team formation is created by WSLL with an importance of matching coach and friend request 
- Roster size is 9-12 players, depending on sufficient volunteer Managers/Head Coach and Assistant Coaches
- WSLL provides team hats, socks, and jersey shirts 
- Families provide baseball glove, cleats, batting helmet, pants, and long sleeve under shirt
- WSLL can loan pants and gloves if needed
- One combined (multiple teams) practice a week leading up to the Jamboree
- Managers to co-develop practice plans
- After the Jamboree, transition to one 90 minute game/practice a week which are typically on Saturdays (some exceptions). Teams will have a short combined practice (~30 mins) followed by a one or two inning game (~40 mins) 
- No umpires 
- Although there is a designated manager, EVERY parent is a “coach” and is expected to help out

- All batting is done off the tee
- No player or coach pitching during games
Batting Order
- All players bat each inning
- The batting order shall be continuous and include all players on the team roster present for the game batting in order. Each player is required to bat in their respective spot in the batting order.
- The whole roster is on the field during defense 
Base Running
- Players are encouraged to run one base unless the coach instructs otherwise
- The last batter will “hit a home run” and run all of the bases to conclude the inning

Coach Pitch
Coed  |  Ages 6 and 7  |  Predominantly kindergarten and 1st grade

General info
- Focus is on teaching fundamentals and having fun
- Previous baseball experience is not required 
- Typical skill level includes players who:
       - Can make contact with a pitched ball some of the time
       - Can throw and catch the ball, but only inconsistently
       - Understand basic baseball rules and positioning
- Non-competitive games (no scoring)
- 60 minute games 
- No umpires 
- Team formation is made by coach and friend request (no draft)
- Roster size is 9-12 players, depending on sufficient volunteer Managers/Head Coach and Assistant Coaches
- WSLL provides team hats, socks & jersey shirts 
- Families provide baseball glove, cleats, batting helmet, pants & long sleeve under shirt
- WSLL can loan pants and gloves if needed
- Typically have one evening practice during the week (days and times are determined based on coach preference and will be communicated after teams are formed)
- Typically have one game on Saturdays (there may be some exceptions to this)
- Although there is a designated manager, EVERY parent is a “coach” and is expected to help out
- Coaches pitch 6-8 pitches to their own teams from about 40 feet from home plate — after that, players hit ball off a tee
- Bunting not permitted
Batting Order
- All players bat each inning
- The batting order shall be continuous and include all players on the team roster present for the game batting in order. Each player is required to bat in their respective spot in the batting order
- It is encouraged to field all of your players while on defense and rotate positions each inning  
- Defensive positions are more defined. Some defensive outs are made, but not consistently
- Coaches discuss before the game if teams should play with outs. The full roster will still bat regardless if playing with “outs” unless agreed upon by coaches prior to the start of the game 
Base Running
- Players are encouraged to run one base unless the coach instructs otherwise
- The last batter will “hit a home run” and run all of the bases to conclude the inning
- No leading off
- No stealing

Coed  |  Age 8  |  Predominantly 2nd grade

General info

- Typical skill level includes players who:
       - Have more consistent ability to catch thrown balls, field grounders and catch easy pop ups
       - Can throw the ball accurately to a designated target at reasonable distances. (2nd to 1st; and SS to 1st are good tests). 
       - Have a clear understanding of basic defensive situations and where to play the ball. 
       - Are able to hit off Coach Pitch pitches the majority of the time and hit off kid pitches in the strike zone some of the time
- Hybrid kid/coach pitch
- Team selection by draft after player assessment day
- All kids are drafted onto teams
- 7 year olds may qualify to play in Rookies if they have played a minimum of one year of Coach Pitch
- "Home Plate" Umpire will call balls/strikes from behind the mound
- Parents of team players are required to volunteer as “home plate” umpires and will call balls/strikes from behind the mound. Parent volunteers will also act as field umpires and will call basic safe/out and prevent excessive base running 
- Individual game scores will be kept, but overall standings and records will not be maintained
- Post-season playoff tournament
- Roster size is about 12 players, depending on sufficient volunteer Managers/Head Coach and Assistant Coaches
- WSLL provides team hats, socks & jersey shirts 
- Families provide baseball glove, cleats, batting helmet, pants & long sleeve under shirt
- WSLL can loan pants and gloves if needed.
- Typically have one evening practice during the week (days and times are determined based on coach preference and will be communicated after teams are formed)
- Typically have 1-2 games per week and may be on any day other than Sunday
- No more tees: six (6) pitches maximum per batter
- If the batter does not put the ball in play by the sixth pitch, he is out unless the sixth pitch is a foul ball
- Kids pitching from a shorter distance than Minors (~ 38’)
- No walks and no base stealing
- Each inning consists of three outs or a maximum of five runs

Batting Order
- The batting order shall be continuous and include all players on the team roster present for the game batting in order
- Each player is required to bat in their respective spot in the batting order
- No infield fly, obstruction, interference rule enforcement
- Base Running
- No leading off
- No stealing

Base Running
- No leading off
- No stealing

Coed  |  Ages 9 and 10  |  Predominantly 3rd and 4th grade

General info
- Typical skill level includes players who:
      - Consistently throw catchable balls and can catch balls thrown to them
      - Can hit an easy pitch most of the time, hitting balls to the outfield more often
      - Have an increased baseball awareness of more complex situations
- Team selection by draft after player assessment day
- All kids are drafted onto teams
- Parents of team players are required to volunteer as umpires to officiate games and enforce the applicable baseball rules
- Rules and Umpire training is provided, and mentorship opportunities exist with experienced umpires
- Competitive play with standings being kept for the first time
- Division tournament at the end of the season
- Roster size is about 12 players, depending on sufficient volunteer Managers/Head Coach and Assistant Coaches
- WSLL provides team hats, socks & jersey shirts 
- Families provide baseball glove, cleats, batting helmet, pants & long sleeve under shirt
- WSLL can loan pants and gloves if needed.
- Typically have 1-2 practices during the week (days and times are determined based on coach preference and will be communicated after teams are formed)
- Typically have 2 games per week and may be on any day other than Sunday
- 100% kid-pitch
- Pitching is from the full 46’ distance
- Balls, strikes, walks and strikeouts
- Players are eligible to be considered for All-Stars
Batting Order
- The batting order shall be continuous and include all players on the team roster present for the game batting in order
- Each player is required to bat in their respective spot in the batting order
- Defensive positioning becomes more specialized; not all kids get to play all positions but will play both infield and outfield positions.

Base Running
- Steals are allowed
- No lead offs

Coed  |  Ages 11 and 12  |  Predominantly 5th and 6th grade

General info
- Typical skill level includes players who:
       - Can make routine infield and outfield plays
       - Usually understand baseball situations without adult guidance
       - Some batters are able to hit balls with tremendous force and are able to hit home runs over the fence
       - Some pitchers can pitch 50+ MPH with increasing accuracy and some are throwing breaking ball
- Team selection by draft after player assessment day
- All kids are drafted onto teams
- Parents of team players are required to volunteer as umpires to officiate games and enforce the applicable baseball rules
       - Rules and Umpire training is provided, and mentorship opportunities exist with experienced umpires.
- Competitive play and standings are kept 
- Division tournament at the end of the season
- Games are six innings
- Roster size is about 12 players, depending on sufficient volunteer Managers/Head Coach and Assistant Coaches
- WSLL provides team hats, socks & jersey shirts 
- Families provide baseball glove, cleats, batting helmet, pants & long sleeve under shirt
- WSLL can loan pants and gloves if needed.
- Typically have 1-2 practices during the week (days and times are determined based on coach preference and will be communicated after teams are formed)
- Typically have 2 games per week and may be on any day other than Sunday
- All league age 11-12 players must be in this division to qualify for All-Star play  

- Pitching is from the full 46’ distance
- Balls, strikes, walks and strikeouts
Batting Order
- The batting order shall be continuous and include all players on the team roster present for the game batting in order
- Each player is required to bat in their respective spot in the batting order

- Defensive positioning becomes more specialized; not all kids get to play all positions but will play both infield and outfield positions.
Base Running
- Steals are allowed
- No lead offs

Intermediates (50/70) Baseball

Coed  |  Age 13  |  Predominantly 7th grade 

General Info
Players compete on an intermediate sized diamond (50’ pitching distance, 70’ base paths). The team(s) will compete against other LL programs in and around District 7 in the Greater Seattle area.

Typical skill level includes players who:
Can make routine infield and outfield plays
Usually understand baseball situations without adult guidance
Some batters are able to hit balls with tremendous force and are able to hit home runs over the fence
Some pitchers can pitch 50+ MPH with increasing accuracy and some are throwing breaking ball
Games are six innings
Team selection by draft after player assessment day if there are enough players to form multiple teams
All kids are drafted onto teams
Parents of team players are required to volunteer as umpires to officiate games and enforce the applicable baseball rules
Division tournament at the end of the season
Roster size is about 12 players, depending on sufficient volunteer Managers/Head Coach and Assistant Coaches
Equipment provided by league: Jersey, hat, socks. Each team will have shared batting helmets, bats, balls and catcher’s gear
Required equipment provided by player: glove (mitt)
Recommended equipment provided by player: sweat pants/baseball pants, helmet 

Pitching from 50 feet

Batting Order
The batting order will be the nine players who played in the field

Defensive positioning becomes more specialized; not all kids get to play all positions but will play both infield and outfield positions.

Base Running
70 foot base paths
Lead offs are allowed
Runners may attempt to steal at any time

Coed  |  Ages 13 & 14  |  Predominantly 7th and 8th grade

- “Junior” level baseball is the next level after Intermediate 50/70.  It is substantially similar to Intermediate 50/70 with the following exceptions:
       - Conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches
       - Modified diamond dimensions may be used during the regular season

Registration Listing

2025 Spring Baseball

Tee Ball - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/09/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 10/01/2024 to 10/01/2025
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Coach Pitch - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/09/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 10/01/2024 to 10/01/2025
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Rookies - Player/Coach Pitch - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/09/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 10/01/2024 to 10/01/2025
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Minor - Player Pitch - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/09/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 10/01/2024 to 10/01/2025
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Major - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/09/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 10/01/2024 to 10/01/2025
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Intermediate (50/70) - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/09/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 10/01/2024 to 10/01/2025
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Junior - Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 02/09/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 10/01/2024 to 10/01/2025
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